Friday, March 13, 2009

wekend planing..

da abis claz tuk mggu ni..
sbjk law td..
tpik - drinking wter quality
- sewage and industrial effluent

asgmen sbmit nex wek..

wekend planing..
- dok uma je la.. xde klas..
- study for midterm law (topic 1,3-7) & non contigous disease (topic 5-6).

- plan to ulu yam..with my clazmte(huh xjd.. nk cdey btol)
- las mnit in4mation for lab
pegi kapar..lab for monitoring, soil
8.30am kat fculty..

- xtaw g.. study je la kot..

okeh tu je kot..
study rjin2 ye..

with love,
nini kamal

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